So as each week passes by we get more closer probably the most important decision making of the year of the general election on November 6th. This campaigning season is somewhat silent unlike the previous election years and aside from internet dialog there hasn’t been a lot of public discussions about candidates this far. However candidates have now set up their headquarters. In Meyuns, Koror Dr. Stevenson Kuartei had set up his headquarter who’s running for the Vice Presidents office. Another vice presidential candidate Jackson Ngiraingas had set up his headquarters in Topside, Koror. This week the election commission has not yet received any new nominating petition or registrations those who are interested in running this year’s election. Mr. Antonio Bells had already announce to run for the Vice President’s office through a local news paper.
OTV will keep on updating registrated voters and Palauan citizens of what’s going on in the election corner and counting the days until the general election.