Palau’s Kambes Ongerung Kesolei won first place in the first World Tuna Day Art and Talent Quest organized by the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA). Kesolei’s short story entry titled “Tuna, a fish with a special place in heart” describes his life from childhood to middle age and how tuna has continuously played a vital role as a staple food especially during dire economical times. According to PNA, Kesolei will be awarded with $3,000 prize and a film will also be made to dramatize his story.
Several entries from the Solomon Islands were also recognized. However, two specific entries from Solomon Islands were selected as runner ups, the inspiring short story on a grandfather’s experience and local ways of fishing tuna and a poem illustrating the use of tuna now and hope for a sustainable future. Other winners around the region were also recognized for their unique and special tale on tuna.
PNA Director Dr. Transform Aqorau said that, “the entries reminded us of the special significance tuna has on our culture, lifestyles, livelihoods and future here in the Pacific.” The quest was organized by PNA as a way to showcase Pacific talent and passion of tuna. All winning entries can be found online at