The main streets of Koror was crowded with hundreds of people excitingly waving their Japanese and Palauan flags to welcome Their Majesties the Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko of Japan to Palau on April 8, 2015.
The Couple appeared to share the same level of excitement returning waves of hello while slowly making their way through Koror en route to Palau International Coral Reef Center.
Arriving in Palau in the afternoon, the Imperial Couple were greeted by President Tommy Remengesau Jr and the First Lady upon their arrival at the Palau International Airport. School children also greeted them outside with flags of both nations in hand.
Later that evening, the Couple dined with the Presidents of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands and their wives including local government officials during a welcome dinner reception hosted by the Palau leadership.
“It is deeply moving for the Empress and myself to be visiting the Republic of Palau in this milestone year, the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II”, expressed Emperor Akihito in his opening remarks. He further expressed “heartfelt thanks to the people of the region who, although they suffered the ravages of war themselves, worked hard after the war to care for the memorial cenotaphs and cemeteries and to collect the remains of the fallen.”
Today at Peleliu Island where the Couple paid tribute to those who perished, they met other local officials including Peleliu Governor Temmy Shmull who is working with the Office of the President and the Ministry of Community and Cultural Affairs in opening up sealed caves for the search of fallen Japanese soldiers.
The trip to Peleliu marks the end of their historical visit to Palau and the North Pacific region. The Couple are scheduled to depart this afternoon back to Japan.