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A new National Water Policy was just created through the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism.
Palau’s Water Policy seeks to achieve three main goals:
1) protection and conservation; 2) safe, affordable, sustainable water supply and wastewater services; effective and sustainable planning, managing, and operation of water supply and wastewater supply and wastewater services. The vision of Palau’s Water Policy works to achieve the following vision: “ Belau A Betok E Ulekidakl A Lmel”. Loosley translated it means “ Palau has safe, affordable, sustainable water for all.” Literature review of environmental, technical, policy documents and other inputs for Palau’s Water Policy were developed with guidance from , meetings and workshops with a wide range of Palau’s stakeholders. Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Industry and Commerce ( Bureau of Publics Works, Capital Improvement Projects), Ministry of Natural Resource, Environment Tourism, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of State, Ministry of Finance, PCC, Governors Association, HOTL, PCS, PVA, & Private citizens. Comments were from experts at ADB, SOPAC and US EPA. The scope of Palau’s Water Policy sets out overall guidance, leaving specific details for legislation, regulation, practices and actions, and leaves responsibility to appropriate organizations. The Policy covers the full water cycle, from ridge to reef, and covers all stakeholders: With support from the European Union funded “ Pacific Integrated Water Resources Management Planning Programme” EQPB and the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism. In other news, the Palau Royal Resort, as a Corporate Sponsor for Conversation, recently donated $532.90, bringing the total amount of donation to $2,025.07 this year. The board member and staff of PCS thank Palau Royal Resort for this huge donation. I would also like to announce that there are new members of PCS. Through their allotment bi-weekly, Mr. Presley Etibek, Mr. Elliot Udui, Mrs. Naomi Bukurrow Ueki, Ms. Emiel Maui and Mrs. Alice Tabelual are donating to the endowmwnt fund of PCS.
Thank very much for watching this outreach program from the Palau Conservation Society for the protection and conservation of biodiversity of Palau and Micronesia, and this is Toni Soalablai, from the 2012 graduating class of Palau High School.